"Together we remove the peel in order to reach the sweet fruit of the company which is hidden beneath"
Organisation, structure and discipline were my mottos when I studied in Italy because everything was in Italian (all teachings and textbooks). I had to be structured so that I could keep up and finish my studies in three years. I quickly learned to understand the bigger picture before tackling all the details, and that is how I work today. I have to get to know the destination/tourism business; see, taste and feel what their experiences/services are all about before I can get down to the core of the tourism business. What feelings and memories does the destination/tourism business wants the customer to be left with after the customer has returned home?
My approach:
Look at the opportunities that exist in the geographical areas, and look for synergy effects.
Visit the companies to discover services and experiences
After the visit, the MD creates a Swot and an opportunity analysis based on the Swot analysis, as well as creating a list of things that each individual company must do to get hold of these customer groups.
Product development begins (new additional services and the possibilities to create new experiences).
Focus on the general customer experience, and a more pointed direction towards new customer groups.
Focus on how important the customer's overall experience is.
Possible cross-marketing where the companies help each other
In addition, MD can also help the companies with the experience economy (the total experience) and how to facilitate different nationalities, and create an annual plan/overview.
MD can also be a catalyst for the company to be able to market itself to the right customer group abroad.
My passion is to assist a destination/a tourism business to realize its potential. I believe in a more money less work mindset (quality rather than quantity).
By using my intuition (based on my many years of experience, tools (personas profiling, swot analyses and unique selling points (usp) etc and my "less work more money" mindset to link a destination/tourism business with new customer groups and collaborators.
The outcome will be as follows:
more efficiency
quality rather than quantity
increased revenue per customer
new customer groups
a changed mindset